We rarely lie to the American people! Milo, the great


Oct. 20, 2022

Asafonie Obed—School Fight

Turns out Herschel Walker, "pro-life" MAGA candidate for senator in Georgia, allegedly paid for one of his lover's abortion. Ben riffs. And suburban school activist Asafonie Obed makes her debut to talk about MAGA's attempt to take over suburban school systems by preaching hate and fear. See Priv…

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Oct. 19, 2022

“Football Money” & Monroe Anderson

A Sun-Times poll reveals that 45 percent of voters don't want to subsidize a new Bears stadium. Ben riffs. And Monroe Anderson talks Trump. The MAGA man is being deposed in E.J. Carroll's defamation case. Probably take the fifth. Also, a word or two about the artist formerly known as Kanye West. Is…

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Oct. 19, 2022

Alderwoman Rossana Rodriguez Sanchez--So Chicago

Alderwoman Rossana Rodriguez-Sanchez returns with updates on progressive politics in Chicago. The Democratic Socialists had a clean sweep on the northwest side in March. But now what's left of the old Mell Machine is looking to fight back. Look for them to play the MAGA card on crime. Mayor Lightfo…

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Oct. 18, 2022

Terry Cosgrove—Just Win!

The city council moves heaven and earth on behalf of the Chicago Fire. Ben riffs. And Personnel Pac's Terry Cosgrove returns to talk politics. Particularly, the all-important Illinois Supreme Court campaigns in the second and third district. Why are those races so important? Because if the Republic…

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Oct. 17, 2022

Oh, What A [Past] Week: "Bets, DB the Dancer, Taxes & Chuy"

Another week has come and gone, which means Ben and Producer Chris run down the news. Starting with...the state of Illinois looks to bring at least three more bookies on line to take the money of sports-betting suckers who should know better. Republican gubernatorial candidate Darren Bailey "soften…

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Oct. 14, 2022

Yvette Simpson--Focus, People!

Yvette Simpson--CEO of Democracy for America and progressive champion--returns to talk all things politics. Specifically, the fight to hold on to the House and Senate. Will Republicans win by scaring middle America? And if Republicans care so much about abortion, why have they stopped talking about…

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Oct. 13, 2022

Rummana Hussain--The Queen’s Americans

Sun-Times columnist/editorial writer Rummana Hussain returns to discuss the Queen. In particular, why are Americans so obsessed with the Royal Family. Also, floods in Pakistan and indifference in America. What will it take to get Americans to care about environmental catastrophes in Asia? And much …

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Oct. 12, 2022

"MacArthur Ben" and Monroe Anderson & Marc Sims

This year's MacArthur genius grants were awarded. Guess who didn't get one--again! Ben riffs. And Monroe Anderson pays tribute to Sergio Mims. Also, the latest on E. Jean Carroll's defamation case against Trump. And Punch 9. Podcaster Marc Sims returns to talk Kanye and colorism. See Privacy Polic…

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Oct. 12, 2022

Mick Dumke—Land Sale

A devastating hurricane hits Florida and their governor, DeSantis, asks for compassion. Ben riffs. And Mick Dumke, ProPublica reporter returns to talk politics and music. He takes the deep dive on CHA selling off the land, promised for low-income housing, for things that are neither housing or favo…

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Oct. 11, 2022

Maya Dukmasova & Dave Glowacz

The Tribune editorializes about the mayor being unresponsive to Chicago's corporate elite. Ben riffs. Maya Dukmasova talks upcoming First Tuesdays show. And Dave Glowacz, from Inside Chicago Government, returns to talk City Council. Including...voting for a new 43rd ward aldermen; police settlemen…

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Oct. 10, 2022

Oh, What A [Past] Week--"MAGA Man In Red, Milking Violence & A Visit …

It's time to review the week that was. And Ben and Producer Chris take the deep dive on...MAGA man in red and his passionate denunciation of white supremacy. Corporate Chicago and the mayor. Dan Proft, the brains behind Darren Bailey. And a visit from Mike Oquendo to talk comedy and promote a fundr…

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Oct. 9, 2022

Kenny Leon--Broadway Bound

Kenny Leon is one of the great directors of our time. He directed Denzel Washington in Raisin in one Broadway production of A Raisin in the Sun and Sean Combs in another. He's won a Tony. He's worked with Jennifer Hudson and Harvey Fierstein and Audra McDonald and Phylicia Rashad and Viola Davis an…

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Oct. 8, 2022

First Tuesdays At The Hideout: Peters & Preyar

State Senator Robert Peters and attorney April Preyar join Ben & Maya for the October 4th First Tuesdays at The Hideout. Crime was on the agenda--specifically, the truth v. fiction of the Safe-T act law, which Peter's helped ...

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Oct. 7, 2022

Jody Coss—All Politics Are Local

The Illinois Democratic Party is not unlike the Chicago Bears. Ben explains. And Jody Coss makes her debut. A former nurse and Army vet, she's now the chair of the Democratic Party of Stephenson County. And she has a message party leaders need to hear--if they can just bring themselves to listen to…

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Oct. 6, 2022

Kathleen Sances--Gun Sense

President of the Gun Violence Protection Pac, Kathleen Sances is trying to bring some sanity to the world by convincing Illinois legislators to pass sensible gun reform laws. But what a struggle it is. She explains her strategy, the successes she's had and the obstacles she faces. Largely because o…

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Oct. 5, 2022

Monroe Anderson & Derrick Blakely--Old School

State Rep. Theresa Mah makes a power play against the mayor. Ben riffs. And Monroe Anderson returns to talk Earth, Wind & Fire? Derrick Blakely, retired CBS anchorman, makes his debut. The talk starts with Ginny Thomas, goes ...

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Oct. 4, 2022

April Preyar--Shut Up, Lawyer Up!

Governor Ron DeSantis, looking to out MAGA Trump & Abbott, flies immigrants to Martha's Vineyard. Ben riffs. And criminal defense lawyer April Preyar returns to talk about "The Purge". Which is not really a purge but a nasty ...

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Oct. 3, 2022

David Faris--Fighting Back

.Political scientist David Faris returns with a confession. He's enjoying watching the desperation of MAGA as the Democrats pick up ground heading into November's midterms. They overplayed their hand on abortion. They've lost all credibility on documentgate. They're argument against student aid rel…

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Oct. 3, 2022

Oh, What A [Past] Week: "Flip-flops, Crime & A Visit From Mr. Bike!"

Ben and Producer Chris Schrage riff on a week's worth of news. Starting with...the remarkable flip-flop of Don Bolduc, MAGA candidate for senator in New Hampshire, who miraculously realized that Biden won the election after all. Also, the curious case of various CEOs discovering crime in Chicago af…

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Sept. 30, 2022

Catherine Adel West--Sara's Lives

Catherine Adel West makes her debut to talk about her latest novel, The Two Lives of Sara. It tells the story of a young woman and her infant son, who flee Chicago for Memphis in the early 1960s. They wind up living in boarding house run by Mama Sugar. And that's about all we'll say, cause we don't…

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Sept. 29, 2022

State Senator Robert Peters--Safe T Fear

State Senator Robert Peters returns to talk about the latest election atrocity from MAGA. TV commercials and mailings intended to whip up votes for Darren Bailey--the Republican candidate for governor--by scaring the hell out of white people. Haven't seen anything this blatantly racist since the "B…

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Sept. 28, 2022

Aaron Cohen--Jazz Crusaders

Writer Aaron Cohen returns to talk about the greatest music ever made--soul, r & b and jazz from the `60s and `70. Specifically, he talks about the book he's writing with Ramsey Lewis. His upcoming show with Ava Cherry, who s...

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Sept. 27, 2022

Oh, What A [Past] Week: "Queen Elizabeth's Kind of Town" and Specia…

September 9, 2022: Time's come for Ben & Dr. D to riff on a week's worth of news. So, let's start with a news item from...1959? That's when Queen Elizabeth spent 14 hours in Chicago. Also, reflections on more aldermen steppi...

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Sept. 26, 2022

Vinnie Iyer--The Smartest Man In Football

.Sporting News football beat writer Vinnie Iyer makes his debut. The man knows as much, or more, about pro football than anyone in the business. As he's super smart--he was on Jeopardy, people!-- and he's been covering this beat for 20 something years. He reviews the upcoming season with thoughts o…

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