We rarely lie to the American people! Milo, the great


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Give him a Pulitzer
Hard hitting journalism, speaking truth to power. Fascinating interviews with politicians, activists, and journalists. I listen every day.

The Heartbeat of Chicago Politics
I’m mostly interested in Illinois policy, but Ben has a way to make local and national policy fun. Great sense of humor to go along with his decades of wisdom.

Fantastic Host and Guests!
I followed Ben from his radio show and still love to listen to him several times a week… favorite guests are Monroe Anderson, David Farris, and Delmarie Cobb… they are fantastic, never miss their episodes! Ben is a great host… keep it up, Ben, we love listening!!!

Rabbi Rayjay
This show absolutely rules!!!!

Great show...Like talking to an old friend
I'm a long time Chicagoan now retired in Arizona. I watched the Chicago Mayoral Primary debate on C-Span and realized how much I miss the Chicago political scene. I thought more about it and I said to myself why don't I listend to that guy I liked in the Reader, Jarovsky. Now I'm subscibed and listening daily. Thank you for the insighful, well researched broadcasts. You have the most relevant guests and I enjoy you're considered opinions. I'm totally back and plugged in. Now, if I could only find the "Punch 9" documentary. Keep up the great work!

Saturday David Faris
Love your show. Re you question this episode whether Journalism professors are addressing the issue of “forcing liberal journalists to throw in liberal attacks to *balance* their journalism, to achieve *fairness and balance*” I refer you to Nikole Hannah Jones.

California diaspora
Best podcast for Chicago nation! How does this guy do it 7 days a week?

thorough analysis of chicago/illinois/national politics
ben's show gives you a fantastic analysis with deep historical perspective

Love the show
Daily downloader. Love to listen on my commute to and from work!

Indispensable Chicago News Talk
I love this show and make sure I catch it as often as possible. Ben and Dennis have great on-air chemistry and bring me the laughs and energy I need to get through the work day, while learning a little -- or a lot -- along the way. Ben's interviews are second to none and his usual guests are all great. I plan to get a Sun-Times subscription to support the show. This is my favorite part of my Chicago news regimen.

Race to the bottom
I bought my copy of the Sun-Times ( 1st time in 40 years ) because they supported Jovarsky & his fantastic Podcast show. I have read the Reader since 1972 — WOW! Now I really know what the Hell is going on in politics, both locally & nationally. Gman in Chicago’s Uptown.

Have missed you on the radio!
So, SO glad this is available as a podcast. Your old station made a bad decision letting you go!

You were missed. You are great as usual every day
Thank God you are back on. The new people are HORRIBLE. You just don’t know.

Glad they’re back!
Great to hear Ben and Dennis are back they make Chicago politics fun and informative!

Fantastic Show
Ben Joravsky is a gem - and heeeeeeeeres why: he's a seasoned Chicago print journalist whose skills at putting politicians feet to the fire transfer perfectly to radio. Also, you won't find anyone who knows more about TIFs and the economic damage they cause. Ben, give YOURSELF a raise, and take it out of petty cash - glad you and Dr. D. are back!

Informational and fun
Ben is a great source for information and fun. He's always dynamic and entertainment.

The Best Liberal Radio Show in Chicago
Benny J knows Chicago politics better than anybody out there. His show is not only informative but very entertaining thanks to Dr. D.

Benny J and Dr. D haven’t lost a beat
Do you love politics? Do love humor? Do you live in or around Chicago, Il. (Not terribly important, but it’s got a lot of local info and news)? This is the show for you! This is the rebirth of an old radio show that I absolutely loved listening to before it was unceremoniously cut from the station. Ben and the Doctor give you a daily dose (T-F) of informative political discussion centering on the city of Chicago, as well as national news! Thank god, I was starting to have awful withdrawal! Check it out!

Benny J is the man!!!
Ben is one of the most knowledgeable people when it comes to all things politics, especially Illinois and Chicago politics. He keeps it real and interesting with a progressive twist of course. Ben does such a great job it make me just long to be able to sit and talk politics with him all day long.