Dec. 21, 2022

"Mayor NASCAR" & Monroe Anderson--“Which” Hunt

Mark Guarino's WBEZ/Sun-Times story exposes Mayor Lightfoot's NASCAR deal as a wreck. Ben riffs. Monroe Anderson returns to push back on NASCAR--sorta. And then Monroe analyzes Trump and his crimes. Republicans cry "witch hunt". Monroe says it's actually a "which hunt"--as in which crime Trump will go to prison for. A few words about DeSantis's COVID rewrite. And meet newly elected congressman George Santos--baby Trump in New York. And, of all things, some Riverview Reminiscence.

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Mark Guarino's WBEZ/Sun-Times story exposes Mayor Lightfoot's NASCAR deal as a wreck. Ben riffs. Monroe Anderson returns to push back on NASCAR--sorta. And then Monroe analyzes Trump and his crimes. Republicans cry "witch hunt". Monroe says it's actually a "which hunt"--as in which crime Trump will go to prison for. A few words about DeSantis's COVID rewrite. And meet newly elected congressman George Santos--baby Trump in New York. And, of all things, some Riverview Reminiscence.

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