Ten Democratic congressmen vote to censure Congressman Al Green for the high crime of telling the truth about Trump. Ben riffs. Ken Mejia-Beal adds his two cents.Pointing out that the DuPage area Dems--Casten and Underwood--somehow managed not to wimp out even though they represent Purplish districts. Also, "the transformation of Bill Maher into a jackass." And a few not very complimentary words about Mayor Rahm's seventh-grade bathroom joke. Ken is the former chair of the DuPage County Democrat
Play Latest EpisodeMy dear friend Keith Kelleher is a vintage radical, who’s been on the front lines of just about every cause worth fighting for since I can remember. So I wasn’t surprised to see he’d joined this weekend's march outside of Tesla&rs…
Jackson Park by Charlotte Carter is a run-don’t-walk-to-read novel if you love the following… Riveting mysteries with twist endings… Compelling first-person narratives by likeable characters–-in this case, Cassandra, a 20…
As a kid growing up in the `60s and `70s, I listened to all the hits on my transistor radio as I sat in my bedroom, daydreaming about this, that and the other thing. And of all the voices that came through that radio, the one who sounded the most l…
When President Donnie punished the Associated Press for not obeying his orders, it brought back ancient memories from the `70s, when I began my journalism career at a small newspaper in the suburbs of Connecticut. I was young and naive. My first e…